Posted by: coastalconversations | January 31, 2016



Dear Michelle

AAAAggghhh!  Where has the time gone?!?  We have been taking the time to build out our worlds and our reading plans may have taken a hit!  Still reading every single day and have been keeping busy with book series. Starting them, grabbing the next in line and I have to say I am kind of addicted to knowing I get to “keep” the characters for longer than just one story.

So what am I reading right now?? P.O.W.ER I know you are finished so don’t tell me anything yet I am still working on it!!

The last few books I’ve read are good ones and one is a movie in the theaters right now.  I listened to The 5th Wave and really liked it!  Reads like a movie and now I am dying to see if they were able to pull it all together.  Fast paced story of the world invaded by aliens….but no green men!  What if they were already here?  🙂  Of course, Young Adult heroines that we love to root for!

What else? I am also currently reading the third in the Brilliance series, Written in Fire.  What if the human race began to evolve and we knew who actually did and who didn’t.  Totally fun, fast paced and I could totally see it being made into a movie or TV series.

Oh and one more, I dove back into the Timebound series, #3, Time’s Divide. And it took me a while but I was happy to learn how it was all going to play out!  Jumping forward and back in time is tough to follow or at least for my logical brain to make sense sometimes, BUT I loved the characters so much I had to see how they all ended up!

Well, I am off to read! Miss you and so glad we are back on the reading track together!

Love, Kristin  xoxo


Yay!  We are back!  Kristin, oh how I miss you!  At least reading together, I feel like we are visiting with a cup of tea, laughter and stories.  Plus, the conversations we start with the authors on social media.. LOVE it!

I completely agree with reading a series.  There are such treasured characters we both LOVE.. I can’t wait to see their next adventures (and I am unwilling to let them go too soon).  We have to do a post just on P.O.W.ER by Lisa A Kramer next month.. that is ALL I will say right now.. and that EVERY girl should pick up this book ASAP – we NEED more magical #girlpower books like this! 

I realized I needed to make up for lost time.. so yes I just finished my 6th book of January!  I have been devouring them!  P.O.W.E.R was my favorite and I just started We Never Asked for Wings by the author who wrote Language of Flowers, Vanessa Diffenbaugh (loved her 1st book).

I also had to catch up to you on a few reads including our long beloved series from Janet Evanovich.   I just found an old post “draft” for Mortal Instruments.. LOVING the new television series!  We do love our book stories that come to life in tv or film. 

We are both so busy with our lives.. but I am glad we have made time to come back to reading together.. I love you with all my heart!  Finish P.O.W.E.R!!!!!!  🙂

Michelle xo

Posted by: coastalconversations | January 5, 2016

Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy Reichert


Dear Kristin,

It’s 2016!  How did that happen? Well I am in the 5th day of the New Year looking back at how many books I DIDN’T make time for last year. 😦

So here I am.  I finished The Coincidence of Coconut Cake on the plane back from my holiday vacation and remembered WHY I LOVE to read!  But what was missing?.. YOU!  So 2 New Years “to dos”:  1. Start reading w/ you and making phone dates regularly to chat.  2. I am seeing you IN PERSON this year.. I will figure it out.  You can hold me to both of these. xo

Now why I loved The Coincidence of Coconut Cake.  As we call our “junk food” reads this was SO FUN!  I loved that it revolved around a strong young woman with BIG dreams (think Meg Ryan) and food.. yes I said it, FOOD!  (with recipes in the back of the book – win:win)  Of course there is a love interest and it has a clever, predictable but sweet plot twist.  It’s so fun and light I just devoured it up!

When I returned home  I found The Residence on my nightstand.  I have 4-5 books staring at me that I will read in between our 2016 books (to make me feel less guilty for ignoring them in 2015).  Since this is an election year, I am delighting in the many heartwarming, startling and hilarious stories in this book based on interviews from the White House Staffers (from the Kennedy era to the Obamas). Plus it lightens the mood of current politics. 🙂

Finally, I think we should read The Bookseller by Cynthia Swanson together!  It sounds MAGICAL.  I NEED to read with you throughout the year to distract me.. while we impatiently await the release of The Crown (The Selection series #5) by Kiera Cass (one of OUR FAVORITE series!)

So here is to 2016 and more than 12 good books this year!  I am making the time.. I miss you so!

All my giggles and love! Let’s grab some tea and GOOO..  Michelle xo

Posted by: coastalconversations | May 23, 2013

Sea of Dreams by Kathryn LeVeque our interview

Kathryn LeVeque guest author interview: “Sea of Dreams”



You know I’m addicted to this author and her contemporary romance books. Funny she is more known for her medieval romance books (she’s on Amazon’s top 100 of ALL romance & SHE HAS A FREE MOBILE APP – how cool?!!!) but i can’t stop reading the contemporary stories!

I love chatting with her on Twiiter (@kathrynleveque) and I’m so psyched she agreed to chat with me! LOVE HER!!!!!!

M: So I just want to sit and have a girl chat with you. Is that ok?

K:  Heck yes! Let’s dish!

M: I know your main genre is medieval romance, but I am addicted to your contemporary American heroes series. Sea of Love is my favorite so far and Beck is my favorite male hero, maybe ever! He is almost perfect in every way. Please share who your muse was on this character and OMG can we meet him?

K:  Of course you can!! Beck embodies the best qualities of pretty much every man I know and admire – he’s handsome, curious, intelligent (he has a degree in Mechanical Engineering), compassionate, loyal, loving… I could go on and on. When I wrote about Beck, I wrote him for me. This is the kind of guy I would love to spend the rest of my life with. He’s the kind of guy who wants to take care of you, respect your opinions, love your children, and make a home with you. And, of course, he’s brave beyond belief and modest about it. Everybody admires him. But I think the most powerful aspect of Beck is that although he has all of these wonderful qualities, the man is a trained killer. He’ll snap your neck, bury your body, and no one will ever know. He’s that good. The best the U.S. Navy has to offer. What woman isn’t attracted to a sexy bad boy at heart?
As for my muse for Beck, there are the two:
Aaron Eckhart + Laird Hamilton = Beck Seavington!

It’s so hot I’m sweating right now…..

M: What is hotter than any man in uniform? So give it up.. Who did you date in the military? With all that detail, there must have been someone.

K:  Since my fiancé won’t be reading this, I can confess – I have dated two Marines in my life and both of them were very influential on me. The behavior, the manners, the discipline… it’s all so sexy and admirable. A man in uniform is something iconic to me. They represent the best of all men, in my opinion. Beck Seavington reflects that belief.

M: We hear you are getting married this summer! Congratulations! Lucky man! You must be thrilled. So which character(s) were influenced or based on your fiance’?

K:  Yes I am. I’m very excited! We’ve been together 12 years, so it was time. Rob is one of the smartest, sexiest men you’ll ever meet. He’s also got a mind that works like a master criminal, so all of my bad guys are modeled after him. Just kidding, honey!! He’s extremely supportive of my writing and really takes an active role in helping me market myself. He’s a genius.

M: I get too excited after I finish a novel then confused on what I should read next. Can you give me a quick cheat sheet listing of all the American Heroes Novels?

K:  Of course!
Resurrection (hunky, HUNKY FBI agent Ethan Serreaux)
Sea of Dreams (king of the hunks, Beck Seavington)
Fire of Autumn (King of the king of the hunks, Colt Sheridan, Secret Service Agent – possibly my favorite guy)
Purgatory (The local sheriff to die for, sexiest of the sexy, Nash Aury)

M: Please tell me there are more new contemporary romances on the horizon for us die hard fans? Or how about Contemporary series?

K:  There’s so much coming down the pipeline! Here’s a few examples:
More American Heroes series
Evenshade (firefighter Cord Trevor you will possibly love more than anybody, ever)
The Fountain (the hottest ex-CIA agent you will EVER meet, Trace Rocklin)
Plus a couple of BRITISH heroes are in the works as well. In all, I have eleven more contemporaries in the pipeline and most are going to be included in the American Heroes series because they involve regular guys doing extraordinary things. Although my contemporaries are not as well-known as my Medievals, they really are my heart and soul, and I’m so happy you enjoy them.

M: And just for fun.. If you could live anywhere where would it be?
K:  In a big, rambling 15th century manor house in England!

M: Is it true shoes are your weakness? Lol just kidding. Thanks for the chat!
K:  Anything sparkly with a stiletto is my weakness!! Ha!! Thank YOU for the chat!! Love your site!!

Posted by: coastalconversations | May 8, 2013

The Beach Club by Elin Hilderbrand

The Beach Club

The Beach Club

Dear Michelle,

Spring is hanging on this year and while wishing for summer what better way to get there fast than in a book.  Didn’t you think this book transported you directly to the New England coast  and held you there straight through the summer?    Memorial day, classic Fourth of July celebrations, crazy tourists on vacation… all of that was great.  The actual story, well, left me hanging.  Oh you know when you want to love a story but…. but what I am not so sure.  Timing, maybe, we say that a lot, “this book or that book found me at just the right time”, well not so much this time.  Halfway through I started thinking this a bit like All My Children or Young and the Restless takes a summer vacation.

Oh well, on to something a little magical I think.

Sending you love and wishing for real summer to get here!


Kristin xoxoxoxo

Dear Kristin

I love summer reads and I loved the first book I read by Elin Hilderbrand (The Island )  Although, I was a little disappointed in this story..  But why? It was set on gorgeous Nantucket Island.  Main characters were quirky & likable.  Lots of sun, summer a beautiful resort.  The story progression was just too slow for me.  (insert sad face)  Eeeekkkk!  I REALLY wanted to love it.

I wanted to be swept away and not able to put this summer story down..  I only felt compelled to continue reading after finishing the last few chapters.  I loved the main character, Mack.. but I wanted to smack him into a decision halfway through the story.  LOL

Help? Why was it a bit of a chore finishing this book?  I feel compelled to try another read by Elin Hilderbrand because I did enjoy her other book, maybe I should try Silver Girl next?

Bummed 😦
 Michelle xoxo

Posted by: coastalconversations | April 8, 2013

Boundless by Cynthia Hand

#3 in series

#3 in series

After getting sucked into and obsessed with the Twilight series (in 2 days) I needed another gut wrenching love triangle to fill the void! Lol. Found it..

You know how I LOVE my Angel Fiction. This was the 3rd book in the “Unearthly” series. I had forgotten how much I adored these characters. The two love interests are BOTH likable! Ughhh I loved them BOTH = torture!

This book is focused more on Clara’s adventures and relationship with Christian. Tall, hot, built with green eyes & gold flecks (I can see it).. Boy did I get sucked right in. I was studying with them, running with them, in HELL with them.. Just crazy! I love Christian. Tucker is the tall, sweet cowboy with sandy hair & blue eyes.. Also gorgeous. I did cry a few times because of him, but..

I love the author’s way of throwing so many unexpected twists into the story. I am always surprised but she uses it to make a connection to open up deeper detail of a character’s development. Loved it.

The eerie description of HELL.. Oh my! The people, smells, sights, feelings, places, sounds.. So.. iiiiiiiiieeeeeeee.  But not in a  “freaking me out” so much description.  Very close to my ideas and vivid interpretation.. YIKES.

On the other hand.. EVERYONE knows I LOVE the angels, especially any of the “Arch-Angel” types.  Well I LOVED that Archangel Michael is Clara’s dad (she is part angel & part human) and that he made so many appears in this book! (clapping)  I didn’t LOVE the ending but this filled the order for ME! BIG-TIME!  I think this series would make a GREAT movie series.. just sayin’!

Bottom line –  I am going to re-read the first one again (Unearthly) and YES, I am currently downloading the Twilight books too!  I know.. I’m pathetic! 😉

Love you! xo



Posted by: coastalconversations | January 18, 2013

14 by Peter Clines


Dear Michelle,

Ok, so when we started this blog we said, “Let’s try to read books outside of our comfort zone.”  Tadaaaaa! We did it!

Well, I listened to this one.  The hubby and I usually listen to audio books in the car when we are going be driving for more than an hour, sooooo sometimes it will take us a a long time to get through a book.  But this one, well this one made into the house.  It played while we laid in bed staring at the ceiling with Ray Porter (the narrator) sitting on our night stand leading us through the mystery of the Kavach building.

We were big time LOST fans over here.  DVR’ed, kids in bed, Chipotle burritos, side by side on the couch, remote in hand, no commercials please!  This book captures the feel of that show, seemingly ordinary characters thrown together in a very weird situation.  The first half of the book, the mystery, was not predictable and I am a pretty good guesser.  I giggled at just about every Scooby and Ghostbuster reference.   I am a sucker for that stuff, especially when the author can make it seemless and not forced.  Loved it!

Now for the second half, I am not going to give anything away, but Peter Clines must have grabbed a triple espresso and chased it with a Red Bull. WHAT THE WHAT?!  What I will say is around Chap 59-60 go grab your Sci-fi hat and throw it on, ’cause your gonna need it!

It was a crazy ride, I am glad we read it together!!!

Love Kristin



Dear Kristin,
I think I’m perplexed and slightly depressed. This was definitely the strangest book I’ve read. It was almost like two entirely different stories SLAMMED together. The first half was fun. The second half was indescribable.. Train wreck, I couldn’t stop reading, while yelling & slamming shut my iPad every few chapters.

I wanted to start this review almost as soon as I started the book. But sitting here now after just finishing it.. I’m at a loss. I don’t even know what to say about this story! We can’t reveal too much detail because it would give the story away. Was it Sci-fi? Mystery? Horror or maybe a combo. I am not too sure. I didn’t watch the tv show LOST, so I’m not following the parallels. The author references LAND of the LOST as a point if inspiration, but I don’t remember it being quite like this.

I will say, the mystery for me was how long it took me to finish pages. I would be reading along and think I’m halfway through and I had only read 20 pages.. That was weird. And you know I’m a wimp with creepy. I had consistent nightmares each night after reading before bed the last half of the book! 🙂

I made a note that at one point something reminded me of the WIZARD of OZ.. But who knows. I live in Los Angeles, and I know all the areas they mentioned. I worked with a photographer who lived near the area of the building and his building was reminiscent of this one. I enjoyed all the studio “lingo” and finally learned the difference between a grip & best boy. But besides that, I’m not sure what else I left with. This book was so creepy for me at times. Over-active imagination. NOT good in this story. I’m glad we read it though (together) and yes definitely rounding “farther” out of our comfort zone.. But that’s cool right?!

I NEED a “junk food” story after this one my friend.
 Your Confused Friend, Michelle xo

Posted by: coastalconversations | January 7, 2013

Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich

Janet Evanovich

Janet Evanovich

Dear Kristin,

It’s another new year! So we seem to start each year with a Stephanie Plum book.. 19 here it is!

I always forget how much I love this series until I start reading it again.. I LOVED this one. Even more than 18.


Where to begin.. let me grab my ipad.. I marked items as I read them to remember them now.. (yes 40 yrs brain overload!) :-). I love every time her car blows up, this time a rocket missile thru her house, shoving a midget into a mail Dropbox, a pink flamingo bridesmaids dress and visions of Ranger in a tux are still drifting thru my head (might have to watch MAGIC MIKE movie, ASAP!)

Loved everything about this one. 18 was a great start with the Hawaiian wedding but a bit slow for me. I loved the action in this one and the bright descriptions of Lulas outfits and future business plans! Lmao. What are your thoughts on Tiki? I’m glad he made it home..

Xoxo Michelle

Hey Michelle,

Phew, I made it, I am here and will not offer one bit of an excuse.  I am just going to join in like I never left. 🙂  What can I say about Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich?  It’s a perfect way to start the new year.  All the bustle is done, brain needs to rest a bit and just enjoy a fun story, Stephanie Plum adventures are definitely fun.  Of course the cars, and the explosions, but you gotta love the pink bridesmaid dresses…Classic!  Tiki was great and I am wondering if Hawaii will be a theme showing up in another book or two.  I have a feeling we have not seen the last of Tiki. 🙂  You know who I did miss a little bit was Mooner and his RV, am I forgetting something or is he still hanging around Trenton?  And no funerals this time, with Grandma Mazur stealing cookies.  Oh so much fun packed into one book, I feel like I just eat them up. LOL

Glad to be back!

Love always,



Posted by: coastalconversations | December 31, 2012

The Postmistress by Sarah Blake



Dear Kristin,
Can you believe in a day it will be 2013! OMG. Time flies and WOW all the books we’ve read in 2 years.

First I have to say thank you for giving me “Half Broke Horses” by Jeannette Wells back in 2010.. I NEVER would have been able to have traveled to all the far away places I’ve loved and met all the wonderful new friends I will not quickly forget without you starting me reading.. It’s been unbelievable! And that is only talking about the books we’ve read.

All my clients now know how much I love to read. During appointments we discuss new releases, their favs.. So it’s fitting at Christmas to receive a new book & an amazon gift card! This book was given to me by a client who loved the story. I travelled with it to visit my parents and wanted to be sure to finish it so I could leave it for my dad. Mission accomplished! But boy was this one fun. (I can’t wait to hear what he thinks, so far he is REALLY enjoying it.)

This story reminded me of “Sarah’s Key” mixed with a beach read.

It’s set within the 1940s during wartime and goes from the states to Europe and back. The simplicity of the characters mixed with human emotion/nature & circumstances makes the storytelling unique & compelling. Three stories happen simultaneously and of course the stories are inter-woven. In the beginning it is difficult to keep the characters and their global locations clear. As the stories move along it all becomes clear. The middle contains alot of history and happenings – but by the last few chapters this book hits a home run and threads the stories together for a beautiful finish. I can’t say too much, because I hate giving away the surpises.. I thoroughly enjoyed this read and can’t wait to pass the recommendation along to more clients in the new year and give the gift giver a HUGE hug!

Here’s to the New Year my dear friend! Love you.. Michelle

PS.. Dad LOVED it too.. He’s his take.

“As I read The Postmistress, I anticipated a much different collision of characters and events than what happened. And the irony of the novel is that the more things change the more things stay the same. We isolate ourselves from the real world issues. A must read for anyone.” – Tom

Posted by: coastalconversations | October 2, 2012

Janet Evanovich’s “Wicked” series. Wicked Business

Wicked Business

Wicked Business

Dear Kristin,
OMG how did we miss the start of this series (this is the 2nd book)! Hot man, cupcakes, crazy sidekicks/friends, cute town and MAGIC!  This is such a great read to suggest to anyone just wanting a good time read.

I just finished wicked business and I’m so bummed. I stopped reading for a few days when I only had 3 chapters to go because I didn’t want it to end! Now I’m bummed.. I want the next book NOW! Lol

So I think I love this series even more then the Stephanie Plum series. The story moves similar to the other Janet Evanovich series but there is something little lighter, playful & fresh about this story.  It is that I can relate to Lizzy’s career more? It is a new drooling description of a HOT Diesel..?  Actually I think it is the introduction of a little “MAGIC!”  I LOVE me my magic..

I think after Notorious 19 is released she should have Stephanie Plum marry Ranger or Morelli and live happily ever after and move on to Diesel, Lizzy and friends!  I want much more of this series.. it makes me giggle!

What was your favorite part of this series?

Your “Wicked” friend, Chell

Posted by: coastalconversations | September 3, 2012

Moloka’i by Alan Brennert




Dear Kristin,
Hey girl! At first reading, I wanted to jump on a plane to Hawaii. I loved all the Hawaiian references and word translations. I immediately fell for the little girl, Rachel. This was a long journey, scanning over 80 years. The fact that the story was based on history, hence “historical fiction,” really kept me reading, also made me extremely uncomfortable & disheartened at times. I can’t imagine all the people who’s lives were forever changed and lifestyle they were forced to live. At least conditions were made better little by little and an independent society emerged. But so sad.. 😦

That is what I texted you as soon as I finished the book, “So sad.” I think that sums it up for me. I enjoyed reading it with you and your east coast book club. It was maybe 150 pages too much for me… But I’m glad we read it.

Mahalo & Aloha..xo. Chell

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